Thursday, June 25, 2009


It's about strawberry season in our northern region, which means I'll soon be heading to a u-pick field to load up my freezer, (after eating a few quarts fresh of course). Unfortunately we don't grow strawberries at my dad's farm, so I'll have to find a neighbor who doesn't spray unnatural poisons on their crops.

I'm concerned about this because this is one fresh produce item you do not want to purchase unless it's organic. Strawberries are consistently on "dirty dozen" lists for what never to buy conventionally grown. Even if the grower isn't certified organic, you should at least talk to them about what they used to produce their berries. If they haven't been thinking about the dangers of pesticides and herbicides from large chemical corporations until this point, maybe your questions will spark some dialog on their farm.

There's a website where you can see exactly which toxins most strawberries contain. In fact, you can search "what's on my food" for most basic food ingredients. Plus, they make it easy to take actions and stay informed about this issue. Anyone who eats food should be familiar with this resource!

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